Marina Syntelis (b.1975) 'Enigma'
Marina Syntelis (b.1975) 'Enigma'

Marina Syntelis (b.1975) 'Enigma'

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Product Code No.
Oil painting

Two worlds colliding violently in a powerful new painting by the incredible Marina Syntelis.

Regarding Enigma Marina commented:

“Enigma is the story about two worlds colliding violently. And when we’re caught in the middle, feeling there is no way out, we can still find a place to feel secure. There is always a different dimension, even if it might not be that apparent or simple to find at first. We just need to keep the eyes of our souls open and look for it. “

Image 100 cm x 70 cm

Framed in a white Mediterranean single floating frame (double frame option also available).