Gordon K Mitchell RSA RSW RGI

Born in Edinburgh in 1952, Gordon drew and painted from early childhood, and even as a young lad he had a pictorial, photographic memory, and the ability to see an object in his mind and then draw or paint it with reasonable accuracy. A great talent!

Gordon studied at Edinburgh College of Art and became a full-time artist in 1998. He is an elected Member of the Royal Society of Painters in Watercolour (1997), The Royal Glasgow Institute (1998) and the Royal Scottish Academy (2005).

Always thought provoking, Gordon’s work draws upon traditional iconography, news stories and visual puns, to create unexpected juxtapositions and perceptive visual commentaries. Gordon has always had a distaste for the “taken for granted”, and he enjoys looking beyond logic and everyday reasoning. He creates images which are arresting, in part down to the illusion of reality. When the obvious technical process is removed, something puzzling, witty, often irreverent, but always memorable, becomes apparent.