Stunning new image of the Aegean Sea driven by the Meltemi, the strong , dry northern winds!
Marina Syntelis (b.1975) classic print of the original!
Tantalising glimpse of the light above as you swim upwards within this amazing picture from the depths below! A Marina Syntelis classic!
Marina Syntelis (b.1975) with an outstanding hyper realistic image of two Cornish waves crashing together! The depth and detail is incredible!
Very detailed atmospheric watercolour!
It is legend that the Greek Goddess Aphrodite was born in the foam of the sea and the Greek word for sea foam is Afroessa and a lovely interpretation by Marina Syntelis(b.1975)!
Enchanting birds eye view through the clouds canvas print from Marina Syntelis!
Atmospheric smouldering new image by the amazing Marina Syntelis!
Marina Syntelis (b.1975) classic print of the original!