All Paintings
Smashing new long aquamarine oil painting by Marina Syntelis!
Charming sensitive original watercolour from highly sought after Fabian Perez!
Sensational emotional painting on oxidised metal by Louisa Tebbutt!
Historic twin watercolour set exhibited at The World Expo in Vienna 1873!
Stylish original ink and watercolour from one of the world's most sought after contemporary artists!
In Marina's own words "one of the finest paintings i've ever produced!" Truly stunning, hyper realistic wave painting!
Powerful new painting of two crashing worlds by the amazing Marina Syntelis!
Beautiful new painting based on the strong winds called Meltemi in the Aegean Sea!
Really cool original pen and ink painting by the incredible Fabian Perez!
A mesmirizing super hyper realistic wave painting capturing the power of The Aegean Sea
Beautiful original ink and watercolour painting from one of the world's greatest living contemporary artists!